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Quit Smoking App Is Like Having a Therapist in Your Pocket

If you are one of the 68% of smokers wanting to quit smoking and all your attempts are still unsuccessful, then you will relate that kicking the habit is not an easy task. Most people have multiple failed quit smoking attempts before they finally stop smoking. The reason for this is that although people try nicotine replacement therapies which help them address the physical part of addiction, the fail to address the psychological part of their smoking addiction. TV serials and films have made people believe that flushing down the packet of cigarettes in the toilet is enough to get rid of the urge of smoking, but the real-life scenario is dramatically different. The reality is, similar to any other addiction smoking also has a deep impact on your psyche and when the inner urge of lighting up comes out you have to smoke no matter what. Fighting with such a strong addiction alone is not an easy task majority of people need a helping hand to get over this habit.

This is where scientifically-proven behavioral support can help them out. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is the most widely studied behavioral therapy out there and it is very effective in helping people to stop smoking for good. It works by changing the way a smoker thinks about smoking, and in turn helping turn their old unhealthy habits into healthier ones. The only problem is that face-to- face therapy is very expensive and difficult to access.

However, mobile apps to help people quit smoking are changing this. Stop smoking apps help people access quit smoking support at the click of a button and at a fraction of the price of face-to- face therapy. Quit Genius is an example of a scientifically proven quit smoking app It’s like having a therapist in your pocket and available to help you 24/7.

Quit Genius is a quit smoking app that is split into 4 stage quitting journey. The stages consist of animated videos, interactive exercises, audio session and evidence-based mindfulness sessions which work together to change the way a smoker thinks about smoking. The app is also gamified rewarding you along the way for your progress. Thousands of people have already quit smoking using Quit Genius – so why not start your quit smoking journey today?

That is where Cognitive Behavioral Therapy comes into the picture. This quit smoking therapy helps smoker to change the thinking pattern coupled with the habit and tries to break the cycle from psyche. Such therapies are indeed the only effective solution for an addiction like smoking. Despite its effectiveness, it becomes hard for people to go for such therapy due to the cost of hiring a private

therapist. However, on the other hand, smart phone technologies have been developing smoking cessation apps and the success of such efforts is on the cards.

There are mobile apps out there designing with purpose of assisting people with the process of quitting smoking. These apps are developed with the fine amalgamation of science and medical professionals and software engineers. You don’t need to go to the therapist for long sessions, these quit smoking apps are like having a good therapist in your pocket, available to you 24*7. Majority of these apps are personalized and your cessation regime can be designed according to you. One such quit smoking app is Quit Genius.

Quit Genius is a quit smoking app with 8-week personalized program, and the program is divided into small steps and user can access the program anytime anywhere. With regular streak counts, surprising trophies and time-based challenges, you can make your quit smoking regime fun. This app always keeps you motivated and if you are going the Quit Genius way, then you are bound to get success.

About Quit Genius:

Quit Genius is a quit smoking iPhone app coming soon to Android in October. also available at Google play. Quit Genius is the best possible approach for quitting smoking.

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